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2013년 6월22일 Facebook 이야기
2013. 6. 22. 23:59
Morning dew from HeavenThese wise words brought to you by the 2013 State of Inbound Marketing Report: http://hub.am/Z2RlNKLotuses are perhaps the most spectacular plants in aquatic environments. The Chinese say that, once having seen the growing lotus, you never forget it. The lotus flowers have color from red, pink, pale yellow to creamy white. A separate, long, tubular stalk supports each flower and each large round leaf.莲花,多年生水生植物。根茎(藕)肥大多节,横生于水底泥中。叶盾状圆形,表面深绿色,被蜡质白粉覆盖,背面灰绿色,全缘并呈波状。叶柄圆柱形,密生倒刺。花单生于花梗顶端、高托水面之上,有单瓣、复瓣、重瓣及重台等花型;花色有白、粉、深红、淡紫色或间色等变化;雄蕊多数;雌蕊离生,埋藏于倒圆锥状海绵质花托内,花托表面具多数散生蜂窝状孔洞,受精后逐渐膨大称为莲蓬,每一孔洞内生一小坚果(莲子)。花期6月-9月,每日晨开暮闭。果熟期9月-10月。莲花栽培品种很多,依用途不同可分为藕莲、子莲和花莲三大系统。中文名:莲花 莲花学名:Nelumbo nucifera
英文名:Lotus flower(Hindu Lotus)
别名:荷花、芙蕖、水芝、泽芝、水华、菡萏、水旦、草芙蓉、芙蓉、水芙蓉、 玉环、六月春、中国莲、六月花神、藕花、灵草、玉芝、青莲、莲等
属性:清凉解暑、止血、治泻痢、降火气、除寒湿、补身、健胃。Chinese poets use lotus flowers to inspire people to continue striving through difficulties and to show their best part to the outside world, no matter how bad the circumstances may be. This is understood as being just like the lotus flower, bringing beauty and light from the murky darkness at the bottom of the pond.
Another symbolic characteristic of the lotus flower leads from the observation that the plant's stalk is easy to bend in two, but is very hard to break because of its many strong sinuous fibres. Poets use this to represent a close unbreakable relationship between two lovers or the members within a family, showing that no matter how far away they might live nothing can really separate them in heart.In Buddhism the lotus flower symbolizes faithfulness. The golden lotus that is mentioned in Buddhist sutras has two meanings, one is the symbol for the achievement of enlightenment and the other points towards a real flower which is beyond our normal perception.
The influence of a lotus flower painting is to open us up to beauty and light. A good lotus flower painting can act as a reminder of the miracle of beauty, light and life. This reminder, communicated on an emotional level, is said to aid both spiritual and practical understanding of Tao, the world and our place in it.
Chinese poets also use lotus flowers to inspire people to continue striving through difficulties and to show their best part to the outside world, no matter how bad the circumstances may be. This is understood as being just like the lotus flower, bringing beauty and light from the murky darkness at the bottom of the pond.药用价值
莲子具有清心醒脾,补脾止泻,养心安神明目、补中养神,止泻固精,益肾涩精止带。滋补元气。从临床应用上看, 莲子适用于轻度失眠人群,如不见效,可适当使用安定控制,但不可长期服用。长期服用安定对身体有较大伤害,如患者产生药物依赖性,应尽量酌减安定的使用并采用中药治疗,如纯中药百眠安等,会有较为显著的疗效。另外,失眠患者应该培养起较好的生活习惯,如晚饭后多散步,平常多运动等等,这些对于睡眠的恢复均有很好的帮助。用途
出处 《日华子本草》All parts of lotus are edible. The immature seeds can be eaten raw or cooked, they have chestnut like flavor. Ripe seeds are roasted and ground into flour, or boiled to extract oil. Lotus roots produce starchy tubers and have the flavor of sweet potato. The young, unrolled leaves are cooked as a vegetable.
Lotus seeds have very hard, impermeable seed coats, and can remain viable for very long time. Sacred Lotus seeds, the most long-lived of all angiosperm seeds, have been known to germinate after more than 400 years! American Lotus (Nelumbo lutea) can germinate after a dormancy of 200 years, and recently, lotus seeds of 1,200 years from China had been germinated! What's an incredible plant!意义象征
从埃及到日本的众多世界伟大文明都把莲花视为神圣的象征,并将其广泛低融入它们自己的艺术和建筑之中。莲花随太阳花开花落,在古埃及,人们认为黎明时太阳从东边的莲花中升起,日落时,它落入西边的莲花之中。同样,吠陀教太阳神 的每只手都持有一朵莲花,象征着太阳掠过天际的路径。吠陀教的创生之神梵天诞生在一朵金色莲花里,而这朵莲花是从毗湿奴 肚脐里长出来的,宛如从脐状茎长出的一朵莲花。密教大师莲花生 将佛教传入西藏,他同样被神化为生于一朵奇异的莲花上,开放在印度的乌仗那 王国的丹纳阔沙湖 上。在印度教和佛教经文中,莲花被性隐喻为神圣子宫或阴道。莲花是梵文女性“阴道”的同义词,女性阴道柔软,呈粉红色且有开口。同样,金刚 是男性“阴茎”的同义词,它既坚挺又能插入。金刚和莲花的结合是色 与空 或方便与智慧结合的性象征。在内在的层面上,这种结合象征着气渗入人体内主脉并升腾,它会穿透并开启脉轮中的莲花或轮 。
莲花是西方红色阿弥陀佛,即“莲花部怙主”的象征。阿弥陀佛的特质代表着火的红色、生命体液、黄昏暮光、夏季及将慈爱化作觉识。阿弥陀佛之伴偶般吒罗 的手持器物是一朵红色莲花。阿弥陀佛麾下的菩萨是莲花手观音 (即大慈菩萨)。
佛教中的莲花被描述为四瓣、八瓣、十六瓣、二十四瓣、三十二瓣、六十四瓣、百瓣、千瓣。这些数字既象征性地符合令人费解的人体内的莲花数量,也与坛城的各个组成部分相符。作为手持器物,莲花通常呈粉色和浅红色,共有八个或十六个莲瓣。盛开的莲花也可以是白色、黄色、金黄色、蓝色和黑色。白色莲花 是尸弃佛 的象征,而白度母手持的是十六瓣白莲花。黄色莲花 和金黄色莲花 一般被称作“白玛”(莲花),而红色或粉色莲花更为常见。梵文词汇“utpala”专指蓝色或黑色的“夜莲花”,但直译的藏文同义词“ut-pa-la”可以用于各种颜色的莲花。
渌水明秋月,南湖采白苹.荷花娇欲语,愁杀荡舟人。 《古诗十九首(其六)》
忆梅下西洲,折梅寄江北。单衫杏子红,双鬓鸦雏色。西洲在何处?两桨桥头渡。日暮伯劳飞,风吹乌桕树。树下即门前,门中露翠钿。开门郎不至,出门采红莲。采莲南塘秋,莲花过人头。低头弄莲子,莲子青如水。置莲怀袖中,莲心彻底红。忆郎郎不至,仰首望飞鸿。鸿飞满西洲,望郎上青楼。楼高望不见,尽日栏杆头。栏杆十二曲,垂手明如玉。卷帘天自高,海水摇空绿。海水梦悠悠,君愁我亦愁。南风知我意,吹梦到西洲。"Purity, trustworthiness, the Buddha, the virtuous man: these are what the lotus signifies," writes Huang Yung-chuan, assistant director of the National Museum of History, in his book Chinese Flower Arranging. Buddhism came to China in the Wei and Jin dynasties, at which time the lotus, which had been simply a source of food, became a symbol for purity and the subject of many poems.
"Bathing in the clear water of the spiritual pond, the lotus' roots dig deep into the soil." For the literati, the lotus represented distancing oneself from vulgarity. It was a metaphor that related to contemporary utopian notions, but was surely connected as well to the Buddhist ideal of "keeping apart from the world, like the lotus."
"My Love for the Lotus" by the Song scholar Zhou Dun-yi has exerted an influence on the Chinese down to the present. In this essay, the lotus is compared to a man of great virtue for being able to live in muck without being tainted by it. Qian Zhong-shu, a Republican-era writer, wrote that Zhou's "inspirations" stemmed from Buddhist ideas.
Buddhism explores how to transcend the troubles of human existence, to leave behind the sea of pain, the house of fire that is human existence. Becoming Buddha-like is the highest ideal. Out of the muck the lotus springs forth beautiful blooms, much as Buddhas free themselves from worldly worries. In the Middle Works of Hinayana Sutra, the Buddha says, "In this way the human heart doesn't give rise to evil desires or evil thoughts. It's like the blue, red and white lotuses that grow in the water but bear no water."The lotus was an important icon in ancient Egypt, the inspiration for the Phoenician capitals that preceded the Ionic order of design, the sacred flower of Hindu religions and the object of the principal mantra of Tibetan Buddhism: om mani padme hum, which means "Hail, jewel in the lotus." Given the mechanical efficiency of prayer wheels that symbolically repeat those words without pause, the lotus may be the most frequently invoked plant in the world. In various parts of the world it has been a symbol of fertility, birth, beauty, sunlight, transcendence, sexuality and the resurrection of the dead. A twelfth-century Sanskrit poem extols Brahma, "the lotus of whose navel forms thus our universe." But above all, the lotus represents purity.
What an enchanting paradox, then, that the lotus grows in muddy waters, emerging from them unblemished and untouched by pollution.The lotus is associated with creation, the afterlife, enlightenment, fertility and sensuality, purity, and health. Many cultures ascribe different virtues to the different colors of the blooms as well as the quantity of petals on the bloom.In Indian culture, the Lotus flower represents enlightenment, wealth, knowledge, and connection to the divine. It is associated with the goddess of wealth, Maha Lakshmi, who represents purity, prosperity and generosity. She sits on a fully blossomed lotus flower.
In Egypt the Lotus flower is called Sesen. In Egyptian mythology, the lotus flower is a symbol of the sun, creation and rebirth.
It is even mentioned briefly in the Islamic tradition, that if a person dies in a state of ihram (a purification period before embarking on a pilgrimage) that they should be washed in water that has been perfumed with lotus flowers.
With such widespread interest and spiritual signifigance attributed to the lotus, it deserves a deeper look into the symbolism surrounding it.The color of the Buddhism Lotus Flower also has signifigance.
The white lotus symbolizes the state of Bodhi, peace and serenity.
The red lotus symbolizes the heart-state of compassion and love.
The blue lotus symbolizes wisdom.
The pink lotus symbolizes the Buddha and enlightenment.
The golden lotus symbolizes the worlds beyond this one on higher realms.The lotus appears elsewhere in Buddhism as well. It is one of the eight auspicious Buddhist symbols, has it's own title as one of the Buddhist holy books, "The Sutra on the White Lotus of the Sublime Dharma", also known more simply as the Lotus Sutra, and is mentioned by Buddha repeatedly in his teachings.
Lotus flowers can be found adorning household items, temples, and art throughout asia including China, Thailand, Japan and more.The lotus flower appeared in legends originating from ancient Egypt. It played an important part in ancient Egyptian religion. The pure white lotus flower, the only plant to fruit and flower simultaneously, emerges from the depths of the muddy swamp. Growing from the mud at the bottom of ponds and streams, the exquisite Lotus flower rises above the water and is usually white or pink with 15 or more oval, spreading petals, and a peculiar, flat seedcase at its center.
Sesen A Lotus Flower. This is a symbol of the sun, of creation and rebirth. Because at night the flower closes and sinks underwater, at dawn it rises and opens again. According to one creation myth it was a giant lotus which first rose out of the watery chaos at the beginning of time. From this giant lotus the sun itself rose on the first day. A symbol of Upper Egypt .The lotus flower played a prominent role in the version of the creation story that originated in Heliopolis. Before the universe came into being, there was an infinite ocean of inert water which constituted the primeval being named Nun. Out of Nun emerged a lotus flower, together with a single mound of dry land. The lotus blossoms opened, and out stepped the self-created sun god, Atum, as a child. A slightly different version of the creation story originated in Hermopolis. In that version, the sun god who formed himself from the chaos of Nun emerged from the lotus petals as Ra. The lotus is a flower which opens and closes each day. His history went on to say that the petals of the lotus blossom enfolded him when he returned to it each night.
The lotus flower has been featured extensively throughout the art of ancient Egypt. In various works of art, you may see it held in the hand of a god or human, serving as a border to outline a section of the artwork, unfolding to reveal various gods or humans, and many other depictions. The ancient Egyptians from the 4th dynasty greatly valued the sacred lotus, in religious ceremonies and funerals. The ancient Egyptians developed the art of countinNelumbo nucifera, known by a number of names including Indian Lotus, Sacred Lotus, Bean of India, or simply Lotus, is a plant in the monogeneric family Nelumbonaceae. The Linnaean binomial Nelumbo nucifera (Gaertn.) is the currently recognized name for this species, which has been classified under the former names, Nelumbium speciosum (Willd.) and Nymphaea nelumbo, among others. Names other than Nelumbo nucifera (Gaertn.) are obsolete synonyms and should not be used in current works. This plant is an aquatic perennial. Under favorable circumstances its seeds may remain viable for many years, with the oldest recorded lotus germination being from that of seeds 1,300 years old recovered from a dry lakebed in northeastern China.A common misconception is referring to the lotus as a waterlily (Nymphaea), an entirely different plant as can be seen from the center of the flower, which clearly lacks the structure that goes on to form the distinctive circular seed pod in the Nelumbo nucifera. Waterlilies come in various colors, whereas the lotus has flowers ranging in hues of white to hot pink.Native to Tropical Asia and Queensland, Australia, it is commonly cultivated in water gardens. The white and pink lotuses are national flowers of India and Vietnam, respectively.The distinctive dried seed heads, which resemble the spouts of watering cansphoto, are widely sold throughout the world for decorative purposes and for dried flower arranging.
The flowers, seeds, young leaves, and "roots" (rhizomes) are all edible. In Asia, the petals are sometimes used for garnish, while the large leaves are used as a wrap for food, not frequently eaten (for example, as a wrapper for zongzi). In Korea, the leaves and petals are used as a tisane. Yeonkkotcha (연꽃차) is made with dried petals of white lotus and yeonipcha (연잎차) is made with the leaves. Young lotus stems are used as a salad ingredient in Vietnamese cuisine. The rhizome (called ǒu (藕) in pinyin Chinese, ngau in Cantonese, bhe in Hindi, renkon (レンコン, 蓮根 in Japanese), yeongeun (연근) in Korean) is used as a vegetable in soups, deep-fried, stir-fried, and braised dishes and the roots are also used in traditional Asian herbal medicine. Petals, leaves, and rhizome can also all be eaten raw, but there is a risk of parasite transmission (e.g., Fasciolopsis buski): it is therefore recommended that they be cooked before eating.
Lotus rootlets are often pickled with rice vinegar, sugar, chili and/or garlic. It has a crunchy texture with sweet-tangy flavours. In Asian cuisine, it is popular with salad, prawns, sesame oil and/or coriander leaves. Lotus roots have been found to be rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, copper, and manganese, while very low in saturated fat.
The stamens can be dried and made into a fragrant herbal tea called liánhuā cha (蓮花茶) in Chinese, or (particularly in Vietnam)[citation needed] used to impart a scent to tea leaves. The lotus seeds or nuts (called liánzĭ, 蓮子; or xian liánzĭ, 鲜莲子, in Chinese) are quite versatile, and can be eaten raw or dried and popped like popcorn, phool makhana. They can also be boiled until soft and made into a paste, or boiled with dried longans and rock sugar to make a tong sui (sweet soup). Combined with sugar, lotus seed paste becomes oneHealing
The Lotus flower was also considered to have medicinal, healing attributes. Some used it to heal fevers, relieve pain, close wounds, or to still the troubled mind. Other times saw the Lotus flower used as a part of the treatment of sick or injured animals. And still more uses were found for the Lotus flower as a base for fine perfumes and healing oils.
Artists have found much inspiration in the delicate beauty of the Lotus flower’s blossoms. As they open in the evening or at dawn – depending on the variety, the Lotus faces each day with beauty and a sense of mystery. Its delicate pure colors make the Lotus flower the perfect subject. From Ancient Egypt to Gustav Klimt, the Lotus flower is the essence of artistic beauty.The holiness of the flower is illustrated by the legend that when the Buddha walked on the earth he left lotuses in his trail instead of footprints. one myth about the origin of Buddha relates that he first appeared floating on a lotus. According to a Japanese legend, the mother of Nichiren (Lotus of the Sun) became pregnant by dreaming of sunshine on a lotus. Nichirin founded a branch of Buddhism in the 1200s. The phrase "Om mani padme hum," which both Hindus and Buddhists use in meditation, means "the jewel in the lotus" and can refer to the Buddha or to the mystical union of male and female energies.In the beginning were the waters. Matter readied itself. The sun glowed. And, a lotus slowly opened, holding the universe on its golden pericarp.' This is precisely the Indian myth of creation as also of the birth of her most majestic flower abounding in supreme beauty, sublime grace and the aura of transcendence. Waters rise but the lotus rises above them. The sun burns and freezing winters mount but the lotus neither sweats nor shivers. And, cyclones move the earth but the rising dust, enshrouding everything from the earth to the sky, does not reach it. Nothing pollutes its purity, nor affects anything its celestial quiescence. Neither the winds shake it nor does frost freeze. Depths below and heights above do not frighten it. Detached it couches over its resplendent bed stretching far and wide cradling on its bosom the forms from the world around and the formlessness from above. When a Buddha's devotee chants: 'Aum mani padme hum', he knows that 'padma' - lotus, is the 'mani' - gem, as having material status the lotus belongs to form, but in it is revealed more characteristically the formless spiritual element, the supreme jewel - the 'mani', that unfolds within, as do lotus petals.
It is this unique significance of lotus that it has more symbolic applications - material and spiritual, than has any other symbol in India's arts, religions and systems of thought. This lotus, in which gods discovered their grace and majesty, poets, painters and sculptors, the subtlest expression of beauty, and mystics, dimensions of mysticism and intricate cosmic existence, is primarily the flower of India - more than the thing of her lakes and ponds, the theme of her myths, legends and texts. Flowers of the botanical family named nymphaeaceae, to which lotus belongs, are found in many Asian, European, Australian and African countries, but these flowers figure neither in theirs arts, literature, myths, legends, or culture, nor in their actual life and system of thought - whatever the reason - lacking in beauty, profundity, orThough just a flower, lotus has many legends in regard to its mythical origin, which its great spiritual significance and the status with which a flower is not usually endowed, has inspired. More prominent is the legend of 'Samudra-manthana' - ocean churning.
It is said that once gods and demons reached an agreement that they would jointly churn the ocean to obtain from it nectar that it hid in its bottom. When the churning was in process, ocean revealed fourteen precious jewels and lotus with Lakshmi mounting it was one of them.
Thus, lotus was born from the womb of the ocean. The Bhagavata, Matsya and several other Puranas have a different version of the origin of lotus. After the Great Deluge, Vishnu appeared on the surface of the milk-white waters of the Kshirasagara - ocean of milk. He wished the Creation were rendered. Instantly, from his naval rose a lotus carried upon a mighty stem with Brahma, the Creator, mounting it. The first lotus thus grew from the body of Lord Vishnu.
A Shiva-related legend claims its origin from Shiva's seed. once Shiva was engaged in love with Parvati for many thousand years and did not come out of his chamber. In his absence, demons grew stronger and defeated and humiliated gods on every occasion. Finally, gods went to Shiva and prayed him to stop his love-game and to come to their rescue. Shiva agreed but the problem was where the semen was shed. Agni - fire proposed to bear it but before long it became unbearable and hence Agni let it fall on the earth. Instantly, the spot where it fell turned into a huge lake with abundant lotuses, and thus was born the divine flower. Lotus is also related to Kuber, the lord of riches. As the tradition has it, 'Padam' - lotus, was one of Kuber's 'Nidhis' - treasures. To assist Vishnu, the sustainer of the world, Kuber sent 'Padam' to the earth where it emerged as lotus flower. This symbolism closely corresponds to the emergence of Lakshmi, the Lotus goddess, Vishnu's female aspect and primary instrument of sustaining universe.Dear Child,
I heard you cry last night. I was there in the darkness when the tears slipped down your face and your heart broke within you. Did you think I didn’t see and didn’t care? Do you really think I don’t know how tired and weary you really are?
Child, I’ve been with you when life has dealt its bitterest blows. I’ve watched you handle all the sorrow and all the pain. But you are weary now, and I can see the broken spirit and the faded hopes and dreams.
Please don’t forget that I care. My touch and caress can restore and mend your broken heart and kindle the flame of hope once more within you. Let Me love you. Take down the barricades around your heart and lean on Me.
I am not tired and I am not weary and I have the strength enough to carry you if you will let Me.
You are not alone, and you never have been, for I am your Father and I will never, ever leave your side. Trust Me!
Your Father, Jesus ♥Lotus Petals by Bahman FarzadLotus Pond - Adelaide Botanic Gardens (by suey_j)by *Sakura*by Stanley ZimnyLotus by BzukajoBotaniq by varlamovLotus Flower at home (by BorisWorkshop)攝荷 (by 好運將)lotus (by dan toan)Lafugue Logos - Tomorrow of desired近江妙蓮(Ohomi-myouren)by ~duongquocdinhby amirarif aqmalLotus flowers at Mimurotoji temple in Kyoto, JapanLotus flower & bud by yoccalotus at noon by Teruhide Tomoriby Bahman Farzadby Bahman Farzadbulwer’s pheasant